Health Watch
Flu Vaccine
We advise flu vaccine for people over 65 years of age and people with chronic respiratory and other illnesses.
Pneumovax is recommend for people at 65 years and 70 years of age. It protects against strains of pneumonia.
Mammogram Screening
Free and available for all females over 50 yrs.
Cervical Screening Test
Cervical screening is recommended to all women aged 25 – 74 years.
The latest treatment is available.
We screen for prostate cancer in older males.
Sexually Transmittable Diseases (STD)
We provide full assessment and treatment.
Hepatitis B
The vaccine is recommended for the young and those at risk of contracting the virus.
Travel Medicine
Full vaccination except for Yellow Fever.
Childhood Vaccination
Recommended for all children.
The practice has a no smoking policy.